Funky town gore cartel video. 1 / 2. Funky town gore cartel video

 1 / 2Funky town gore cartel video  He wriggles around a bit and the name of the video just comes from

00:05:48 - Funky Town Gore - The Worst Cartel Video On The Internet - I Watched It So You Don't Have To. News videos. Hi everyone, I know funky town is a cartel video or torture video or some kind of gore, I wanna understand what Sem is saying in Haunted Mound Reapers, but do not want to see the actual video. Chopping up the bodies of two gang men. It's all about 2 minutes long and the song Funkytown by Lipps Inc. Join. . FUNKYTOWN GORE | THE WORST CARTEL VIDEO ON THE INTERNET #death A horrifying gore video #gore videos. linktr. ago. FunkyTown is a 2 minutes and 50 seconds long video of an unknown man being savagely tortured while techno-style music and the song Sweet Child O Mine by Guns n Roses is. 0:36. A horrifying gore video that surfaced around 2016-2017. Home Entertainment FUNKYTOWN GORE | THE WORST CARTEL VIDEO ON THE INTERNET Entertainment FUNKYTOWN GORE | THE WORST CARTEL VIDEO ON THE INTERNET By taimur - December 13, 2021 231 FUNKYTOWN GORE | THE WORST CARTEL VIDEO ON THE INTERNET Funkytown is a famous shock video that surfaced. #funkytown #cartel #videofunkytown gore videoNoticias de Honduras, en vivo, noticias del mundo 24 horas: nación, entretenimiento, economía, mundo, deportes, bienestar, tecnología, video, opiniónOn the 22nd of June 2022, a new Cartel video surfaced on a well known narco news site, depicting the aftermath of the execution of several rivals. Well, no, the cartel prabably gave him some kind of drug to keep him concious, since he keeps making this weird, gargling sound all the time, you cant call it screaming, cuz it doesnt sound human anymore. Funky Town (cartel flaying+torturing) Chechclear. xixal xd · Song · 2021. They first. Video: Execution. 1. Funky Town Gore - The Worst Cartel Video On The Internet - I Watched It So You Don't Have To. He wriggles around a bit and the name of the video just comes from. comKonten berikut dibuat dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang peristiwa yang terjadi di. In this video, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) removes skin from a living person, cutting flesh with a knife from the chest. if you think that gore and death is good, why dont you be in this video because i would love to watch it you cock eating stegosaurus. 7K views. In this episode I paint you a vivid picture of everyth…Funkytown. cry. Weirdly enough, it's just as long as funky town. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I did click out of curiosity. The video, which was transmitted somewhere around 2017. Breitbart Texas was able to obtain a copy of the video that the cartel members shot. The thing for me is, Funky Town is already a gruesome sight, the flaying and hand removal has already happened, the attempts at defense (with no hands) and screams. About 20 men were killed. . One brother is holding a homemade firearm. Answer (1 of 5): What is "funky town" on the deep web? It’s a drug cartel torture video. 2 1 SHARE DOWNLOAD. sad. IDK the background but I know the content. Check out the video!88 Likes, 15 Comments. The Russian brick video. Sponsored by Adidas (cartel organ extraction + cannibalism) The Guerrero Flaying (aka No Mercy in Mexico) 1 Lunatic 1 Icepick. Luckily, sicarios attention span is about as long as their IQ is high. The Funky town Gore video has been described as one of the most gruesome and disturbing videos ever posted on the internet. Cartel. (The person who won the post notification. Gangs like Los Zetas now produce videos that end up on popular sites such as Blog del Narco, the drug dealer’s blog. Funkytown gore funky town gore funkytown cartel funky town video cartel videos gore cartel mexican cartel el mencho cjng sinaloa los zetas shock videos disturbing lost media gore media felix gamez garcia barnabas gamez castro mexican chainsaw beheading. Reply. Home; Search; Your Library. Execution with a sniper rifle. ago. Took off his face. PROXYOWL. Beheading / Cartel / Execution / Murder / Pure Gore. As for funkytown gore no one knows who's responsible only rumors saying that cjng , Los zetas , familia michoacana , Los Viagras or Sinaloa and some even saying it wasn't a cartel but a street gang and that it occurred in the US in California by nortenos gangAll the typical cartel stuff, Guerrero fleying etc. E realmente o cara ainda ta vivo, porque do nada ele começa a berrar as vezes. Sleep Walk - Santo and Johnny. The longest version of funky town was 2min and 50 seconds. However, try as I must, I literally can't find any context behind this. Mafia-Cartel-Narco Funky Town, classic gore video, man gets skin peeled off his face with knifeThe Russian brick video. Home Entertainment FUNKYTOWN GORE | THE WORST CARTEL VIDEO ON THE INTERNET Entertainment FUNKYTOWN GORE | THE WORST CARTEL VIDEO ON THE INTERNET By taimur - December 13, 2021 231 FUNKYTOWN GORE | THE WORST CARTEL VIDEO ON THE INTERNET Funkytown is a famous shock video that surfaced. Punish-torture Funkytown Flaying cartel video. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. several men are cutting his head off with a dull blade. The purpose is to scare the fuck out of anyone trying to disrupt or compete with the cartel. com. Google it: Funky town cartel video. But these days, more and more of these videos are sur. 3 005 10 1. Jan 29, 2022 05:49. CommercialLive9199. Literally just google “funky town cartel video Reddit”, first result. He's missing his hands and feet as the men hack and saw away at him. In my Videos I want to explain and show y. By. [deleted] • 5 yr. 2:27 you'll. Related posts: The killers scalped and skinned their face. Authorities believe Morales is responsible for at least 72 slayings in the 2010 San Fernando massacre. DEATH, HORROR, CORPSES, MORGUE - Menu. TikTok video from user63920640007 (@userzkl2ildlce). On it you can view titles such as “3 men skinned alive & beheaded” or. sad. ago. 1:21. Link Video Funkytown Gore Portal Zacarias - ngopisantuy. An unused sprite from Owlboy makes it into our next game (by Snakepixel). videos do not phase me one bit. Videos are usually executions recorded on videos that have gone viral on the world wide web or on social. Hot. 1K views |Original Funky Town Cartel Video. Funky Town Gore - The Worst Cartel Video On The Internet - I Watched It So You Don't Have To. View 1 reply. net by user UzeeeT. The video shows a man being tied up with an extension cord, his hands sliced off, and his face gouged out. funky town gore' audio. Because this is many orders of magnitude more likely than him actually deciding to post that video, the public accepts this narrative and an investigation is launched. Also known as “Z-40,” Morales reportedly executed perceived enemies of the cartel using the method of “ The Stew ,” or El Guiso. It’s a gore video of a guy getting tortured by the cartel He’s being skinned alive, his whole torso is skinned, I can’t rember if his face had been skinned too his face is skinned, and hands are chopped off but the dudes still alive in the video as they are slitting his throat, the song funky town is playing in the background at the end. But it’s pretty rough. A few years ago, you’d have to venture onto the dark web to discover terrifying videos of real murders. Introduction. It's called the 'Funky Town Torture' because that's one of the songs playing in the background of it. Gore Videos - Page 2 of 179 - SeeGore. r/PixelArt. he’s being pumped full off drugs to keep him alive, he’s in intense pain. LOL, this is some kind of Poe’s Law thing. . Funky town cartel. I. Funkytown is a famous shock video that surfaced online in 2016, it's a Mexican cartel video depicting the grotesque torture of a bound and faceless victim. Funkytown gore funky town gore funkytown cartel funky town video cartel videos gore cartel mexican cartel el mencho cjng sinaloa los zetas shock videos disturbing lost media gore media felix gamez garcia barnabas gamez castro mexican chainsaw beheading. Funky town my gore, yeah that's how I like it (Ay, ay) With the cartel and we stabbing through your eyelids. Introdução. MARIO BROS (feat. 96. Things you did not know about funky town gore | The guy killed was not innocent | The cartel name was CJNG |. The man in the Funkytown video is confirmed not Julio Mondragon, that was a different incident. She was doused with petroleum products and reignited three times. As the years pass, curiosity around the video continues to. Many people on this sub will have seen, or at least know of, the titular Funky Town video. Mexican drug cartels. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Not saying it’s not bad or anything, just not worse than any other gore video. 2:44. Haiti. Funky Town Gore. One Of The Most Disturbing Video's On The Internet. 1 SONG • 2 MINUTES • APR 20 2021. Edit: I mean I don’t think a full video of funky town exists. WTF. ago. En el video, varios miembros del cartel capturan y torturan a un joven, cortando. SIN CENSURA el también llamado “Video Ghost Rider”. Putin hosts Lukashenko, calls Ukraine counter-offensive a failure. “Most messed up 2 “Funkytown” #gore #liveleak #cartel #torture”Original Video : Connected:Twitter - the CDG and CDS(Zetas) were the first to start skinning members faces off while still alive and that trend eventually spread throughout Mexico. Ya the funky town video ain’t shit ! Reply bhumit012. funkytown 3,528 views. Informal-Data-2787 • 1 yr. In the footage of the Funky Town Football Gore video, as internet sources claim, the group first played the song ‘Funky Town’ and then executed the man in the worst way possible. The act looked like a revenge game or a rivalry act. 1 / 2. 2 629 3 1. The father is beaten with a large stick, and swiftly beheaded as the son is forced to watch. Lucky Chance GhostBxy & xixal xd. Funky Town Low Quality - LowQuialityMusic. . Category Cartel. CJNG recently started posting more cannibal shit because no one has done it before in an attempt to gain the lead in being the most "hardcore" and "terrifying" cartel. The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG) members burned the man’s face off. This is honestly sick. . In this episode I paint you a vivid picture of everything that happens. Provided to YouTube by DistroKid Funky Town Gore · xixal xd Funky Town Gore ℗ xD Innovations Released on: 2021-04-20 Auto-generated by YouTube. 5 People Decapitated In 20 Seconds 32 515 63 0. Sign up Log in. 1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick; Testicles pinched; 3 guys 1 hammer a. Funky town, ghost rider, etc. only followed instances. In this episode I paint you a vivid picture of everyth… Funky Town Gore - The Worst Cartel Video On The Internet - I Watched It So You Don't Have To | Listen NotesFotografías con fines informativos y educativos. Beheading and dismembering someone is literally the general form of execution in any cartel. 00:05:48 - Funky Town Gore - The Worst Cartel Video On The Internet - I Watched It So You Don't Have To. Discord Mod xixal xd. Accident;. 1. 465. instagram: @ xixal. 43. com, que nos muestra la cruel tortura a un joven por parte de un cartel del narcotráfico mexicano. Published 11 months ago • 7. never mess with cartel. Legal. 3 Girls 1 Kitten – Viral video of. Casualty/Gore | LSFX. Additional comment actions. Likes. Create your first playlist It's easy, we'll help you. . Maybe They Were. Reply. Re-uploaded because original was bad Another video by the cartel that made funky town however, in this one they're having fun with the dead bodies of their victims. It's called "Funky Town Gore", but the part where Funky Town plays is roughly only the last 10 seconds. . She was still alive and moving after the first two times. They even slice his throat with a box cutter at. Seriously, don’t read the res. . 9/10, be careful. The worst video I have ever seen. Public execution of the Talibanused to be on r/watchpeopledie. Renato Sales, the National Security Commissioner of Mexico, announced the arrests on Friday. /r/eudoxiamysteries , 2023-02-06, 08:26:58. Reactions: LilBuddy67. Facebook Twitter Reddit. Message From The Cartel 451 0 0. So basically. gore video where they skin this dude and funkytown plays in the back as he bleeds out and dies. won't you take me to Funky Town! 2. . There seems to be no buttons I can see where you could click and search for specific videos. 10 months ago . Posted by.